• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 5, 2020

    The Crew Y'all drive a Bugatti and that's cool but have you seen a Wugatti?

    The Crew Y'all drive a Bugatti and that's cool but have you seen a Wugatti?

    Y'all drive a Bugatti and that's cool but have you seen a Wugatti?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:57 AM PST

    Dodge Challenger perched on the SoCal coast

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:28 AM PST

    Dubai $hit

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:46 PM PST

    I miss the old ingame nighttime :(

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:02 AM PST

    Livephoto mode amazing when you're use it true (no edit)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:53 PM PST

    fancy Aston

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:26 PM PST

    Gettin ready to roll out. ��

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:30 PM PST

    This is why I can't get a good time

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:49 PM PST


    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:34 PM PST

    I like this Car.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:14 AM PST

    Living my life like it's Golden! ��

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:15 AM PST

    My absolute biggest gripe with The Crew 2 - the poor visibility

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:30 AM PST

    I love this game but it's far from perfect. It has a lot of issues imo but overall it's a solid game. I can forgive many of its flaws but one ultimate issue that I cannot let slide is the games visibility.

    It looks like ass. I don't mean how pretty the graphics are (even though the game looks pretty poor), but how well defined and clear the game looks. I can barely see anything clearly. My TV isn't the best on the planet but with most games I can see things clearly. This game is blurry and its lighting is the worst I have seen in a PS4 game. It's like there's no contrast between dark and light, everything looks so flat and like it's all at the same brightness. My eyes can't pick out scenery, cars or objects very well at all until they are extremely close to me (often causing me to crash). Couple that with its basic looking colour palette and it's like the whole screen is the same colour at times. Even worse when the game decides to throw extreme weather conditions at me, it's like I'm driving blind.

    A good example is the 599XX EVO Touring Car race in the last The Magic City Summit. I often can't see the beginning and end of corners. Metal railing and other walls appear invisible until I crash into them. It doesn't help with a lot of races that the draw distance is terrible on console either. On my PS4 cars literally spawn a few meters in front of me, causing unavoidable collisions that would be avoidable on PC. The excessive motion blur also makes cornering much more difficult and an unpleasant experience.

    I feel like half of effort racing in this game is just trying to see where I'm going. Which I have no problem in other games like Need For Speed or GTA. They seriously need to up their game with the sequel. Significantly improving visibility should be a priority with The Crew 3.

    submitted by /u/MetalingusMike
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    [photo] Yusuf Amir's spirit animal

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:44 AM PST

    The New Derby event ? Absolutely amazing !

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:14 PM PST

    That's it, now i don't even care about summit rewards as much as i wait every week to see the new events, and this week the new derby racing is fun as hell ! We definitely need more of this in the game, the new Monster Race in Dakota is really good too.

    submitted by /u/_LGustavo29
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    A variety of Suggestions for The Crew 2

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:35 AM PST

    This is a list of suggestions and/or opinions that i've always thought of saying but i either forget or too lazy to do so. This'll be long, so my apologies. Without further ado, lets get started.

    Allow us to customize the races

    Since the devs have pretty much abandoned the idea of driving to the starting line and the use of whatever weather freeroam currently has, why not just let us customize our races? From the weather, to the time of day, traffic density and even flipping the starting and finish line. This would, in my opinion, makes replaying races less boring and would give some variety. Not to mention it would satisfy those who want to race without traffic cars and those small few who do. (Me, since i grew up playing NFS: Hot Pursuit 2)

    Remove the physical lobbies for races

    Same reason as above. I see no need for these to exists since you no longer drive towards your starting line. It just adds unnecessary clutter to the map. A simple floating icon would suffice. While we're in the topic of clutter...

    Remove some, if not all of the ramps from free roam

    This one really bothers me. It's no secret that a significant chunk of the players just spends their time cruising around the map rather than racing. It just breaks the immersion when there's suddenly a ramp located smack dab in the middle of a highway, and you see the traffic cars jumping off it. It was hilarious at first, but it's just annoying for me now. I know some races actually use them, but they should only be available for said races. If they really feel the need to add them in free roam, be creative. From an overturned billboard to construction sites, etc. For me, it's not the jump itself that makes it awesome, rather it's the spontaneity. It's pulling off jumps where you're not supposed to be pulling them off.

    Add a single player time trial mode option for races (Most rally raid races excluded of course)

    This option is mostly for those who like to chase the leaderboards. This mode would be the source for the leaderboard times. This ensures better consistency due to the lack of AI, and making it single player guarantees that there's no advantage from slipstreaming off a crew member. In short, it'll mostly be about skill. They might need to do something about some of the exploits for fairness though.

    More races for the other disciplines

    I feel like it's a waste for them to add all these disciplines, only for it to be ignored. As of now, most of the newer races are for street and hypercars, with less than a handful for the rest. A new powerboat, jetsprint, or hell hovercraft event would be nice (P.S. I love hovercraft races).

    Tiered Street Races

    I understand that this may be hard to implement, and not everyone may agree but anyway. Adding tiers to street racing would allow you to enjoy races with cars that would normally be considered as slow. You may argue that they exist in the form of the race difficulty. But i feel like it's not worth it to do a race for less rewards at this point. I hate to compare this game to FH4, but the tiers makes it possible to enjoy races in any car you want without the penalty of less rewards or what is basically an automatic loss for using such cars. Oh, and why just Street Races? Because they have the most cars and the most variety out of all the vehicle types.

    Spread out the events and/or races

    Most of the events seem to take place in either the east cost or west coast. There's south but it's mostly in the Miami area. With little races happening in the rest of the map. I'd personally love to see more races around the Pacific Northwest and the Northeast like Maine and such. I mean, look at the first map and compare it to the sequel http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/benjaminW/WorldTour/the_crew_map.jpg


    Not exactly races, but the fact that they're so spread out and there's so much of them means you get to explore the map more

    More Houses

    This has probably been requested countless times, but i'd like to voice my own suggestion. Since this game is unlike TDU 2, where the amount of cars you can own depends on the size of your garage, having this massive house is kinda unnecessary. So, my suggest is the addition of simpler, smaller houses. As it is now, houses don't feel as personal as it is in TDU 2. I don't really need a house than can hold a shitload of cars, and i'm sure others would agree. This game has a lot of scenic areas that would be perfect for a player house location. And having player houses across the map would solve the problem of players being localized in either the Miami or LA area (along with the above point), since that's where most players spawn from. I rarely find myself in other parts of the map due to this. I'd suggest that we have to buy them, but given the availability of the current houses, it might come across as pointless for some, if not most. With that said, the house system in this game is still better than FH4, since houses are just glorified menus in that game. But it could be better.

    Fix the dimming

    Or "light adaptation" or whatever it's called. It's really bad. For evidence, go to the "Niagara Falls" area (Jesus Christ, they really made that iconic area pathetic), follow the highway southbound until you reach a tunnel. The dimming there is really really bad. For an easier one, go to Manhattan and towards the riverside across from where the Pro Racing HQ is located. You can either drive down the area or switch to a boat and drive down the river. Though it seems to only happen during sunny weather, it still gets bad to the point that they become permanent unless i restart the game.

    The Lighting

    I know i should've just added this along with the above point, but this is a different kind of dim. The lighting makes me feel like i'm perpetually looking at the game through sunglasses. May have to do with what i mentioned above, but i feel like it's different problem altogether. While we're in this topic though, i feel like there are areas that should be more brightly lit but isn't. Case in point, Time Square. This area was much brighter in The Crew 1 that it's quite enjoyable driving through it during the night. Now, it's as if someone forgot to pay the electric bill. One other thing, and i'm not sure if this is a lighting or texture issue. But there are times when the trees shine so much, it's distracting.

    Reduce the orange-brownish tint

    I find their decision to use this weird. Unless the setting is a desert (hell, even if it is), i don't see the reason to use this in such an abundance. Adding a bit more blue to the mix would improve the look of the game in my opinion.

    Fix the day-night cycle and its brightness

    Yeah, yeah, beating a dead horse here. And before you say it, i know why they did it. I just feel the need to remind them again, plus i just find it hard to accept that they totally ruined one aspect of their game just because they're unable to fix another. They don't really need to make pitch black, just visible enough. A good moonlight lighting should fix this even without proper headlights. I can't really recall which game it was, but i do remember playing a game that provided immersive nights without limiting visibility.

    Change the skill challenges UI and give us the option to disable them in free roam

    This one i don't get as well, and you may see it as a contradiction to my other point. The option to disable skill challenges was available in the first game. So i'm not sure why such an option is missing from the sequel. It's even worse that if you go through it, it'll plaster this massive "YAY YOU DID IT"-esque message across your screen that blocks your view. It's like a tarp flying towards your windshield while you're driving at 200 mph. A simple, smaller text somewhere in the corner of the screen should suffice. But i'd really like to get that plus an option to just turn it off in free roam.

    Duel Mode

    This is one of the fun aspects that i really enjoyed in TDU 2. You honk your horn towards a player, and it'll send him/her a duel challenge. The game will then randomly select a finish line for you to sprint towards. It's been a while so i can't really recall if they let you swap cars first or you just roll with what you were driving. Adding this would make player interaction much better imo. Of course, not everyone would want this so an option to just automatically ignore these requests would be needed. And just in case it's not obvious enough, quick swapping should be disabled while in these races.

    Better textures and detail and the return of the removed areas

    This one just makes me sad. Just take a look at these two videos



    First thing i did when i got into the beta was to drive towards the amusement park and military base. But lo and behold, those areas are empty.

    This is the reason why i personally feel that they should've added the planes as part of an expansion or later when they optimized the map better. I still appreciate that they exist, i really do. It gives us a new way to travel through the map. But the map itself lost so much cause of it.

    I'm sure the video says enough about the texture. Though i may seem to have bashed the lighting in one of my points, it is quite good enough (again, could be better), but i feel like the addition of better textures would compliment this. Texture and detail's not bad throughout. The water and the forest areas are significantly better than The Crew 1, but overall it got quite a downgrade.

    More Classic and/or Vintage Cars

    Again, might be beating a dead horse here, but hear me out. What i'm suggesting are not those superfast hypercars or something (Though i do want the Mclaren Senna). I'm talking about classic cars and maybe cars in general that exists for cruising. Not all new cars have to be fast imo, they just have to be a joy to drive. I personally want a Citroen 2CV just for the sake of cruising. Speaking of cruising....

    Cruise Mode (or Cruise Control)

    You may see this as laziness, but the addition of Cruise Mode would probably be great. What is Cruise Mode? Simple, a button that limits your car's speed to a specific limit, maybe 80 mph. Would make driving like normal easier. Besides, i've always been curious as to how long it'll actually take you to drive coast to coast at 80 mph. You could say that i could just drive manual. But doing so means you'll have to deal with the sound of constant revving due to the car reaching a gear's limit.

    Again, my apologies for the length. There's probably more that i forgot, but i think i got most of them. For those that read through all this, i appreciate it and i hope these suggestions are considered by Ivory Tower. Cause i love this game, and i'm sure it's not bad to ask for it to be better.

    submitted by /u/Riverwind0608
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    The Crew 2 worth it?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:53 PM PST

    So the crew 2 is on sale now and I am thinking of buying it Is it really worth it?

    submitted by /u/mrreaper72
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    I was at 2,700th an hour or two before the event closed. Damnit.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:17 PM PST

    Bugatti squad

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:15 AM PST

    The Gold has its effect

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:04 PM PST

    Press F3 whilst In-game

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:28 PM PST

    Doing this opens the actual chat system; I'm surprised by how few people know this :D

    submitted by /u/Lowpolygons
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    2 New Events as Part of the Freestyle Events are a Nice Surprise

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:15 AM PST

    The Monster Truck Event was enjoyable with the surprise of going offroad and through fields while trying to not lose control of the truck and the and the white mountains dirt race Demolition Derby event was really surprising since I thought that event would go to motocross discipline but nice change of pace and event that I feel was needed for the discipline, so happy that freestyle was focused on, more of these please IVT...

    submitted by /u/Aviddgamer2019
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    How Is The Handling?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:03 AM PST

    I have a question that might decide for me if I buy or don't buy The Crew 2. And that's about how is the handling? Is it like NFS where it feels like an arcade/fixed driving style or is it more like a simulator as it is in the Forza games?

    submitted by /u/CroCop27
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    Edition 1 vs magma edition

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:49 AM PST

    Anyone done any tests comparing the 2?

    submitted by /u/FerrisTurbos
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    I didn't get the live summit Bugatti so I made my own :) thank you u/nmk111 for the inspiration

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:42 AM PST

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