• Breaking News

    Friday, May 15, 2020

    The Crew I thought looks cool. Could take some tweaks here and there but I've put too much time in it.

    The Crew I thought looks cool. Could take some tweaks here and there but I've put too much time in it.

    I thought looks cool. Could take some tweaks here and there but I've put too much time in it.

    Posted: 15 May 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    I love this game, Really. This clip is gift to all TC2 people (Music: Weegie - Take It Off)

    Posted: 15 May 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Weird glitch caused lots of pedestrians to just leave town.

    Posted: 15 May 2020 01:01 AM PDT

    Just chilling....

    Posted: 15 May 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    Crew 1 how to make money without friends?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Hi! I'm mostly a solo player, I just like to play alone, but I noticed money is coming really slow so far(I'm just lvl 18, so tell me if it becomes easier). I've read that the fastest way to make money is sending friends to faction missions or something, but I don't have any ingame friends, and I'm not really planning to find some. So are there any other good ways to make money? Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/soosis
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    The Italian spitfire

    Posted: 15 May 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    Thought I saw a crowd of people

    Posted: 15 May 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Cow X-ing

    Posted: 15 May 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    Finally got the divo, and it is one FRISKY boi!

    Posted: 15 May 2020 05:37 PM PDT


    Posted: 15 May 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    Best car for drifting?

    submitted by /u/1powder1
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    Any way to put the car handling on "easy"

    Posted: 15 May 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    Hello there, I am new to the game, and I noticed that the handling of my car is on "expert" (Agera R) and from what I've read from year old posts is that that helps the car drift, and that easy makes it grip more.

    So im wondering of there is some way to lower the difficulty, because I've seen in some youtube video the guy had the handling is on "easy" all the way to the left.

    submitted by /u/FelixTheGamerFTG
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    The crew is now awful

    Posted: 15 May 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    Hey there everyone

    I'm a huge racing game fan, and the og the crew is one of the best games I've ever played. However, TC2 sucks. The storyline is awful, the environments feel fake, and it's just repetitive. So I need to know, WTH happened to this game?

    submitted by /u/uhhhhhhhh-oops
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    A day out with the Family. ����‍��‍���� Happy 10th Birthday to my Babygirl "Makeynzee" ����������

    Posted: 15 May 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Was looking for one more bridge to do the daily challenge and didn’t wanna bother going somewhere else, but somehow managed to fit under this one.

    Posted: 15 May 2020 02:02 AM PDT

    The Crew 2 connection error

    Posted: 15 May 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    anybody else getting this error message? Error code 0_2

    submitted by /u/Qwertydemigod
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    Hovercrafts are stupid. Change my mind.

    Posted: 15 May 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    They're just all around bad to drive, slow and pointless and not fun at all.

    submitted by /u/TG24129
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    We finally did it boys, huge thanks to u/the-DORIFTO-lover_ for helping with the photo ops!

    Posted: 15 May 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    The 458 lookin spicy

    Posted: 14 May 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    Taki Taki Rumba - The Crew Music Video

    Posted: 15 May 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    Audio bug?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    So when I'm in the menu the music is pretty normal volume (this is when I'm using my tv speakers) but in game I have to turn it up to 60 in order hear anything. Any solutions

    submitted by /u/zach06080
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    My experience with The Crew 1's story. It's a looooong post. (Spoilers)

    Posted: 15 May 2020 02:10 AM PDT

    I finished the campaign yesterday, and I enjoyed almost every moment of it.

    The setup is pretty straightforward: Alex is the younger brother of Dayton, who started a small street racing gang known as the 5-10's.

    The game picks up with Alex shaking off some cops and eventually entering a race. Dayton needs a ride to meet a guy named Shiv, so Alex drives him. Turns out that Shiv just murders Dayton at the meetup point, drops the gun, and drives off. A federal agent known as Coburn sees the gun and frames Alex for murder.

    Alex spends five years in jail, and in this time, Shiv has turned the 5-10's into a national crime ring. Our protagonist is given a chance to be free and get revenge on Shiv in exchange for helping FBI agent Zoe take down Coburn for his corrupt deeds. The plan? Infiltrate the 5-10's, gain their trust, and shut down Coburn and Shiv.


    Alex's first objective is to get his 5-10 ink, and a V2 by the name of Troy is willing to help him. Everything goes well... until Troy tells Alex to kill someone. He instead incapacitates the intended target, and Zoe takes care of keeping the target safe. The target ends up being stoopid, and blows her cover. Troy is irate, and sends his crew to kill Alex, who fortunately escapes. Another V2 wants your help to take down Troy, and so you help him, and get your V1 ink. You are then sent to the East Coast to help the V4 there, Eric Tsu, with his money issues.

    Overall, a great start. It immediately establishes how cutthroat the 5-10's are, and really shows the danger of this operation. You have 5-10's willing to kill each other for power. You meet Omar, who doesn't really seem to serve any story purpose, but he's a decent character when he is there. Overall, the missions aren't really that notable due to the limited selection of specs (street only).


    After getting his V1, Alex travels to New York, and assists Eric Tsu with making the money he needs to pay back the V6's he owes money to. We meet Henry, who was like a father to Alex and Dayton. It turns out that Henry has been seemingly hooking up with some woman, but it turns out that the woman was Dayton's girlfriend, and she has their five-year-old son.

    Eric sends Alex to kill this woman, so Alex snatches a high-speed car fit for a family in a pinkslip race, and follows Henry to a bus stop where they can safely flee the area. Despite Alex failing to kill her, Eric is satisfied with Alex's work in getting him the money he needed, so he authorizes his V2 ink, and sends him to the South in order to help Shiv regain control of the region.

    This featured one of my favorite missions, which is repeated later on at a more extreme level. You race a performance-spec car... in a dirt-spec vehicle. You have to utilize your vehicle's superiority on dirt to cut corners and stay one step ahead. Eric's VA clearly had a field day in the recording studio, because you could really feel that bipolar energy in his lines, and makes him a more enjoyable character overall.


    With Eric's financial troubles solved, Alex heads down to the South, a region that a single man controls. This man has no allegiance to any of the gangs that duke it out for control, but it's clear that he's the boss. His name? Cam.

    Alex needs someone who knows the area, and finds a mechanically-inclined Latina woman named Alita. Turns out, she was once Shiv's girlfriend, but she learned that Shiv was incredibly abusive, and broke up with him, resenting him ever since.

    With her help, Alex gathers up the 5-10's residing there, and work on shattering Cam's images, first by breaking his records, and then messing up his businesses. After a while, Cam is pissed, and attempts to get Alex removed by setting a police trap in Dallas, but Alex gets away.

    It all comes down to a race for control of the South: Alex vs. Cam. Winner takes control, loser leaves the region. Alex wins, and Cam honors the deal and heads out. At this time, Coburn contacts Alex, and sends him on a few missions. This leads to Coburn telling Alex to kill Cam. Alex refuses, and rescues Cam from Coburn's hitmen, and the former kingpin of the South makes Alex promise him that he will take down Shiv, who had murdered his wife.

    Once 5-10 control has been established, Shiv contacts Alex, and tells him two things: His V4 ink has been approved, and that he needs to go Vegas to fix some issues with his business there.

    I loooved this section, due to the mix of high-speed performance car racing and good ol' dirt road racing. It really puts Shiv's character into perspective, and starts to reveal how much of a pretentious prick he is. Overall, pretty basic, but good.


    While in the outskirts of Las Vegas, Alex gets a call from some hacker, who reveals herself to be Roxanne. She agrees to join, but under the condition that he helps her locate her sister, Daria, who was last known being with the 5-10's. She explains that 5-10's have been struggling to keep their contraband deliveries going due to the cop's constrictive grip on the roads. Roxanne offers a solution: go completely off-road for these.

    Alex gathers some 5-10's for a casual race, and asks around about Daria, but nobody knows. One driver offers to ask around, and later calls Alex to tell him that Daria had rubbed Shiv the wrong way in a race, and he killed her. This clearly rattles Roxanne, but she focuses on the mission.

    Roxanne nearly gets caught by the police due to security at a mountain data outpost, but Alex manages to get to her in time for a quick escape. They finally find out that Coburn has been behind the contraband blockade, and plan a way to get concrete evidence of Coburn's true nature.

    Once the time is right, Alex races to the location, hops in a truck, and looks for the evidence. Just as he finds it, Coburn arrives, and is frustrated. He flees, but Alex follows closely behind, and with Zoe's help, Coburn is cornered and apprehended at the Las Vegas airport.

    With the profits gained via smuggling of contraband at an all-time, Shiv calls Alex, and congratulates him, and tells him two things: he has authorized Alex's V6 ink, and calling Alex to Los Angeles for the 5-10 Face-Off. Before hanging up, he asks about his "business partner" (Coburn), but Alex feigns ignorance by stating that all he'd seen was "5-10's making money".

    This is the first (and only) chapter of the campaign that actually had a bad level. "Escape Velocity" is about 7 or 8 miles of hairpins, and you have 6.5 minutes to clear it in a performance-spec car. My car was grossly overlevelled (~1300 for a mission that recommends 580), yet I had extreme difficulty making it. Due to the single checkpoint system, it made failing all the worse. It didn't help that I was constantly wrestling for control due to what felt like much slicker roads and barely having opportunities to get past 130 MPH. Also, limited HP, so no room for crashing to redirect momentum Forza-style. It was the only mission that actually got under my skin. Other than that, it was amazing. The Coburn takedown was amazing. The smuggling felt awesome.


    *Alex heads to Los Angeles to participate in this Face-Off. Turns out, Shiv was hosting this event to have the best racers in the 5-10's compete for the privilege of being Shiv's new right-hand man. There are certainly familiar faces, and none of them look friendly. *

    Alex recruits a has-been professional racer and Henry's old-time friend, Vincent. With his help, Alex secures a gun, and Vincent repeatedly warns him that if he follows through with it, he will be haunted by it forever, and asks him several times if Alex is sure. Alex is adamant.

    After freeing Troy, putting him back in jail, and winning the Face-Off, Alex seems to be just one step closer to Shiv, and there's supposed to be a celebration. Shiv reveals that Troy told him that Alex was working with FBI, and puts a 5-10 bounty on his head. Alex manages to escape with his life.

    After a minor setback, Alex sneaks into Shiv's party, gun in hand. He readies it, and fires... but not at Shiv. He just fired in the air to get everyone's attention immediately. He reveals his true identity, and exposes the blood on Shiv's hands. Shiv dares Alex to shoot him if he's so sure, but Alex puts the gun away, and demands a race, because "that's how 5-10's settle it." The winner will be the V8 undisputed. The loser... well, their fate is probably left in the winner's hands...

    After a close race, Alex wins, but loses control of his vehicle, crashing into a billboard and spinning out. Shiv pulls up to him, stating that he won't give up his title so easily, and pulls a fast one. Alex runs to Zoe's truck, takes it, and chases Shiv himself, incapacitating his '05 Ford GT and ending his reign as V8.

    With Shiv finally locked away, Alex finally takes back what his brother had founded and Shiv had corrupted. Under his rule, the 5-19's are all about racing. He admits that, while Shiv had taken a lot from him, he had found a new family in the form of his crew, and that it was worth it.

    This last chapter was quite the doozy. Betrayal, being tricked, and the fact that Alex seemed adamant about his choice whenever Vincent asked set up for a great twist. Maybe Alex did want to kill him, but then remembered how Dayton would have settled the score, and values his honor as a 5-10. Oh, and remember how I mentioned that my favorite mission from the East Coast that is repeated? Yeah, well that mission is racing against circuit-spec cars with an extreme offroad vehicle. Even more, the second "phase" of the final mission harkons back to this mission, but it doesn't tell you to cut the corners this time. You've already done it, and the only way to keep up with Shiv's '05 Ford GT is to cut corners. I loved that.

    Speaking of Shiv, I couldn't help but feel hyped up by his calls during the Face-Off. The manic energy was awesome. 11/10 voice acting.


    The story was well paced overall, and I enjoyed almost every level. For the most part, the physics worked wonderfully, though the raid-specs should have had much springier suspension. My only significant system-level gripe is that you start with no nitro at the start of any mission, which honestly makes no sense. We have someone who has grown up with cars, and yet he doesn't make sure his nitro canisters are full before any event? If I could, I'd give players 59% nitro at the start and just replace the bonus start nitro perk with a perk that allows your nitro to regenerate faster.

    Having the perk that gives you bonus nitro at the start of missions definitely breaks a lot of the police/enemy escape missions, because you can boost out of their line of sight almost instantly and get so far away because they have pathetic pick-up trucks. In fact, in the mission where you escape Troy's Crow in Seattle, I wasn't even in their line of sight at all, and escaped in the literal fastest time.

    Note to any homicidal street gang people: If your target is in a hypercar, make sure your men have something that can match their speed. Pick-up trucks will be left in the dust, or set up traps ahead of them.

    Definitely a solid story. 4/5 from me. Not the best, but definitely really good for an open-world racer.

    submitted by /u/LloydTheZorua
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    Nissan 370z - BMW together Drift

    Posted: 15 May 2020 12:58 AM PDT


    Posted: 15 May 2020 11:26 AM PDT

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